Woman, let your inner power emerge, live, and shine! 


Ready to transform your life and contribute to collective healing and elevation?

Listen to your inner wisdom:
all the answers lie within you! 

I am ready to shine

Have you ever felt the stirrings of a deeper connection within yourself, a call to align with the rhythms of the Earth and the wisdom of the Moon?

Here is the key to navigating through these times of crisis and transformations and emerging stronger together.


With Luzclara, an Andean Medicine Woman, experience an initiatory journey that will bring you face to face with the healing of your feminine soul.

Join Us for: 

The Awakening of your
Wild Woman

In service to the Earth  


A 4-Week Journey with Luzclara
July 9 - July 30

You will:

  • Value, re-look and recognize your body as a sacred temple.

  • Connect with the healing power of Mother Earth.

  • Explore the profound healing power of women and the strength of your cyclicity.

I am ready to connect to my
inner healing power

I am Luzclara Camus.

I am Luzclara, a great-grandmother, Andean Medicine Woman, and Pachamamistic healer. Born in Chile 83 years ago, I have spent the past 40 years traveling the world, sharing my medicine. My inner journey has inspired me to start the movement of awakening the Goddess, which embodies the medicine of the heart.

Since the 1980s, my prayers have shaped my destiny to support the healing of the feminine in both women and men worldwide. Alongside Earth’s medicine, I have delved into the invisible realms to heal the wounds inflicted by the Patriarchy, a sacred mission I continue to uphold.

My knowledge is extensive, having learned from teachers in many regions. I have been initiated into the traditions of various indigenous peoples, including those from Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Canada, the USA, and Tibet, among others. This journey has enabled me to guide large groups of women on mystical journeys around the globe.

Currently, I reside in my homeland, Chile, where I founded the School “Los Saberes de la Abuela Ancestral.” Here, I conduct training, workshops, talks, and both online and in-person sessions to share the medicine of the Goddess and the medicine of love with those seeking healing in their lives. Additionally, I offer personalized training and individual sessions for healing and restoring past wounds.

My greatest joy is to serve the Goddess in each of my sisters.

Have you ever met someone who, just by her presence alone, inspired you and helped you to see yourself more clearly?


Luzclara is one of those people. An angel on earth who brings light and clarity. I cannot think of a more fitting name for Luzclara. 




Embark on a journey of self-discovery and deep connection with the natural cycles that influence our lives as women in our Maiden and Mother phases. Learn to align with these rhythms to live more consciously and fully.

You will :

  • Understand the impact of the Earth and the Moon on our bodies and psyches.
  • Explore how our phases influence daily life and relationships.
  • Use knowledge of natural cycles as a powerful tool for growth.
  • Recognize and embrace our cyclical nature to foster self-love.

Continue the journey by exploring the Enchantress and Crone phases, essential for embracing our wild nature and feminine essence.

You will:

  • Find clarity and direction in projects and relationships.
  • Learn to close chapters of your life, let go of what no longer serves you, and prepare new beginnings.
  • Express your wild and authentic nature by integrating these archetypes.
  • Enhance personal and spiritual growth through the energies of the Enchantress and the Crone.

Delve into the spiritual and tangible relationship with the healing energy of Mother Earth. Discover how rites can strengthen this sacred connection and transform your reality.

You will:

  • Understand the Energy of Mother Earth and how to heal and transform through your connection with her.
  • Establish alchemical and magical communication with Pachamama through the power of the rituals
  • Practice specific rites to listen and respond to the Earth messages
  • Use this connection for conscious and harmonious living with nature.

Explore the importance of healthy, conscious sexuality connected with your wild woman. Experience inner marriage, unifying the sacred feminine and masculine within us.

You will:

  • Connect with your feminine essence through conscious sexuality.
  • Recognize the power of the sacredness of your body and your cycles.
  • Achieve balance and harmony through the union of sacred feminine and masculine aspects.
  • Celebrate this union within through a meaningful ritual.

Here is you investment to embark with us on this journey

Pay in Full



3 Monthly Payments



To talk about great-grandmother Luzclara is to open the heart to heal and grow.


Her knowledge, wisdom, fortitude, joy, intelligence, and commitment to planetary healing deeply penetrated my life. For years, her guidance in my process of self-knowledge and healing has been vital to face the challenges of my existence. Thanks to her words, advice and teachings, I feel with greater and better tools to be myself, in my worldly and sacred aspects


Rocío Fernández, Chile

Thanks Luzclara for your love, Energy and dedication on your path.


If you feel the call to learn from her, don't hesitate. She will show you the deepest aspects of yourself to be loved and honored, sharing wisdom accumulated over decades along the way. Her manner is very solid and genuine. I have finally given myself permission to rise as my soul longs.

Thank you Luzclara for your love, your energy and your dedication to your path.


Claresse, USA

Three months after our journey together, its effects on me slowly trickle into my consciousness.


I perceive (not just intellectually understand) Spirit as the Mother. When overwhelmed with difficult emotions, with energy which would crush me if I tried to contain it, I go out to the woods. I find myself spontaneously putting my bare hands on frozen mud, on melting snow. Pachamama dislodges my heavy energy, drinks it in and diffuses it. She holds me while I give her my tears, I surrender.


Lailah, USA


  • 4 weekly Zoom sessions of 90 mn each (July 9 - July 30)
  • Time to discuss your views, feelings it brought up and questions you might have 
  • Simple and powerful rituals to connect with Mother Earth and her own heart
  • The chance to meet an Elder who had a very interesting and fulfilling life.
  • The opportunity to share in a women’s circle.


Ready to rediscover the sacredness of your body, embrace the cycles of nature and empower yourself with ancient wisdom for personal and collective healing ?


Join Luzclara for:

The Awakenig of your Wild Woman

In service to the Earth

and gain profound insights into reconnecting with your inner wisdom and the healing power of Mother Earth.


A precious opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.


By joining us, you will not only transform your own life but also contribute to the collective awakening of the feminine energy in service to the Earth.

Here is you investment to embark with us on this journey

Pay in Full



3 Monthly Payments
