Ever wonder what you can do to help the earth during these turbulent times?
Are you ready to unleash your power and embrace your Sacred Feminine to heal the Earth ?
I am ready to feel empowered
Why is the earth in such turmoil?
Why is it difficult to be content?
Is there hope for our future?
Can one person help to change things?
Why are relationships so challenging?
The answer to all of these questions comes from understanding a history we have never been taught but which underlies modern society.
To effect true change in our own lives and on our Earth Mother we have to understand what this history is, and how it influences all aspects of our lives.
Introducing you to:
Embracing Your Sacred Feminine
A 6-week legacy from Marlise Wabun Wind
This is the program we all have been waiting for to answer these big questions:
What can you do to help the earth during these turbulent times?
What is the core of women’s power?
How can you begin to understand your own power?
Why is society so afraid of this power?
How can you use it to improve your relationships?

In this series Marlise Wabun Wind will draw upon her 78 years of very varied experience to help you understand:
- how the world has devolved into the turmoil it is in now
- what you can do to help change that.
Marlise has had the opportunity to explore these questions from personal experiences, from direct teachings from indigenous people in the United States and other parts of the planet, from intense personal exploration and from research.

“A wisdom keeper, spiritual guide, and a wise and caring teacher, Marlise has always used her expertise in a multitude of ways to help make the world a better place for all living beings.
The many books she’s gifted the world with have been instrumental in helping thousands of people find their spiritual path and direction in life.
Her work has focused especially on women, children, families and relationships of all kinds. In Wise Women of the World, Marlise will have the opportunity to share her life experiences studying, being in and exploring different love relationships and the gifts and challenges they bring to us from the unique vantage point of the ‘Grandmother Lodge.’”
~ Rosemary Gladstar (Herbalist and author, Herbal Healing for Women, and many others).

"I have known Wabun since her Bear Tribe days, and then through her resettlement into marriage, motherhood, spiritual activism, writer, and beloved friend and mentor. She has always been generous, articulate, wise, and curious … involving herself in the wholeness of being a woman during changing times, ready to listen, and ready to challenge our cultural beliefs for the healing of the land and our hearts."
~ Meredith Little, co-founder and author The Book of the Vision Quest, and many others.

“In the 40 years that Marlise and I have been friends and teachers to one another, I have always been impressed by the depth and breadth of Marlise’s knowledge about so many topics related to the circle of life and by the rare combination of confidence and humility with which she shares her knowledge and experience. Whether she speaks about the importance of vision, about parenting or relationships in general, about the environment, about racism and appropriation, about our educational system, about how to form and work with circles of women, or a myriad of other topics, she has something of importance to tell us, and a way of telling us that stays with us in meaningful ways.”
~ Sue Ries Lamb, Professional Member National Training Labs, Organizational Development expert, co-creator of Women’s Collaboratives.
In this program you will learn:
✾ A radical view of history drawn from direct teachings, myths and reading.
✾ How and why the patriarchy overcame our matriarchal roots in all parts of the earth.
✾ What were the core beliefs of a mother/child centered society.
✾ What a greed-oriented society did to demean these beliefs.
✾ How this affects you in your daily life.
✾ How to deconstruct the patriarchal beliefs in your life, and in society.
✾ What are the major problems of modern society.
✾ How to work to overcome this individually.
✾ How to begin to change society.
✾ How to help the Earth in this time of changes.

Your journey offers:
6 weekly Zoom sessions
Time to ask questions
Space to ask questions to the teacher
Experiencing some guided visualizations that can help you and our Earth Mother
Presenting possibilities you can utilize in your daily life
The opportunity to examine your relationships with your partner and your family
Ways to nurture yourself and your connection to nature
Here is what we will cover:

Session One: A Dream World
In this session we will explore the evolution of humans. How did we live in the earliest times? How did we communicate? What was life like for women and men? Marlise will discuss why earlier societies were matriarchal, and what that meant to their view of life. Marlise will expound upon her thoughts and feelings about what caused the end of matriarchy, and the following patriarchal wars against women that set up today’s “civilization.”
You will learn:
- The reasons for the denigration of women in patriarchy.
- How the concept of ownership changed the world.
- The true cause of greed and wars.
- How this history affects your life today.

Session Two: What is the Power of Woman?
In this session Marlise will discuss the core qualities of the feminine, qualities you can have in either a male or female body. She will explore the concepts of nurturing, and of surrender; both what they mean now and what they meant in the Dream World.
You will learn how to accept and work with:
- Your ability to nurture.
- Understanding your fellow humans.
- Developing patience.
- Tuning your perception.
- Accepting others as they are.

Session Three: Love Starvation
Love starvation is a root cause of today’s problems. In this session we will explore what this is, why it exists and how to work to cure it. Marlise will also talk about sexuality and how it perpetuates love starvation. She has lived through the times of the double standard, the sexual revolution, and its aftermath. Marlise will examine how love and sex fit into society today.
You will learn:
- How earlier societies avoided love starvation.
- How modern society encourages this sickness.
- To examine your beliefs and feelings about sexuality.
- How you can increase your own capacity to give and receive love.
- When and how you can help others in this important work.

Session Four: The Challenge of Relationships
Having lived in “normal” society, in intentional community and in an intimate partnership, Marlise has had ample experience with this challenge. Throughout her life she has searched for ways people could live together in more loving ways than those she saw around her; in ways that encourage everyone’s growth. She will share some of her experiences, her failures and successes, and her hope for helping the next generations of women to find greater success.
In this session you will learn:
- Why women and men fight.
- Why people fight most often with those they love most.
- How to fight fairly. How to work together despite conflicts.
- How to accept your sacred feminine, and masculine energies.
- What would constitute an ideal relationship.

Session Five: Nurturing the Generations to Come
To change the world, we must change how we conceive, birth, and raise children. Teaching from her personal experience both as a community mother figure and as an actual mother, Marlise will share some of what she has learned. Marlise will also talk about the indigenous concept of a clan mother and a beloved woman, important figures in some Native societies. She will touch upon the vision quest as a way of helping children to become their best self.
In this session you will learn:
- How to raise people who are not starved for love.
- To examine your own childhood.
- To improve your relationship both with your parents and with your children.
- What is a Clan Mother. What is a Vision Quest.
- How this quest is possible in modern times.

Session Six: Woman and the Earth
Indigenous people around the world knew that the earth is our mother. They had great respect for her and for all the gifts she gives us throughout our lives. They knew that women reflected the earth. How women are treated mirrors how we treat Mother Earth. Modern “civilization” has forgotten about this important and sacred connection. That is part of the reason for the prophesized earth changes coming to fulfillment now.
In this session you will learn:
- Some prophecies about the earth changes.
- The spiritual as well as physical reasons for these changes.
- How finding your power as a woman can help the earth.
- How understanding your vision can help you in your life.
- What you can do each day to help the Earth Mother.

"When I began learning from Marlise Wabun Wind I had no idea that this relationship would grow from a mentorship into a loving partnership and friendship. Marlise taught me more about living in service of love - to honor the earth and all things that sustain our life. She has taught me that love is not only something you give or get, but it is something that we nurture and grow. Marlise guides with wisdom, clarity, humor, and respect.”
~ Jennifer Patten - Author, life coach, educator and member of Osage Nation.

"Wabun's wisdom and support has truly given me the confidence to stand in my heart's truth and step into the power of my purpose and vision. Her stories and teachings are so relatable to me as a white woman following an ancient path. The honesty and compassion she shares has helped me to open my heart and mind."
~ Tracey Dawn Alden, Herbalist, teacher and Medicine Wheel Guide

“When I first met you 40 years ago I was taken with the sound of your voice. It had a tone and rhythm that made me feel warm, welcome and protected. I still feel that way whenever we speak.”
~ Wind Daughter, Medicine Chief of the Panther Bear Tribe Medicine Society, teacher, guide and wisdom keeper

"My heartfelt thanks to Grandma Marlise and Grandpa Tom for bringing the sacred knowledge of the medicine wheel to Taiwan and China. We are not just taking a class or learning some knowledge but reading the precious and profound book of life of our grandpa and grandma!"
~ Rosemary Huang, Editor, FLOW magazine, author, teacher in Taiwan
Marlise is an Author, a Counselor, a Lecturer, a Ceremonialist, a Wisdom Keeper, a Wife and a Mother
Marlise Wabun Wind has been privileged to take a true “heroine’s journey” stepping out of the culture into which she was born to experience life from an entirely different worldview.
In 1970 she met Sun Bear, a Native American teacher and visionary. For 24 years she was Sun Bear’s “servant of the medicine”. She wrote, travelled and taught with him and helped him found a community of people of all races and backgrounds. In those years she met elders and teachers from all parts of the world.

She moved away from the community to devote more time to writing, although she continued to work with Sun Bear as a spiritual partner and co-author until his death in 1993.
Marlise Wabun has lectured extensively about her cross-cultural experiences, women’s roles in various cultures, more humane systems of childbirth and childcare, comparative religions in their historical perspective, and about numerous other topics related to the earth, alternative living, and spirituality.
She began developing women’s circles in 1973 and began teaching her ideas about how we went from the worldwide peaceful, child and woman-loving matriarchal culture to the patriarchy that is predominant in the world now.
In the past few years, a number of her books have been published in Mandarin and in French, and she has taught a wide variety of courses, both in person and online, to a wonderful, growing group of younger people.
Visit her on www.marlisewabunwind.com
Artwork by Marie Jozan
About Wise Women of the World
Wise Women of the World is an intergenerational project Claire Jozan-Meisel imagined a couple of years ago and birthed with the support of Vanina Grisoni.
Its goal is to give a voice to some foremothers of feminine spirituality and spread their wisdom widely through online platforms, thus allowing the youngest to receive teachings from elders across the globe. Universal knowledge through the eyes of females experience is what WWW is gifting the world.
Blessed be!