Join a free webinar with Marlise Wabun Wind !


Understanding the Earth Changes

Marlise brings over five decades of wisdom, gained through her extensive studies and teachings on Earth's changes. As the co-author of "Black Dawn, Bright Day: Indian Prophecies for the Millennium and Beyond" her insights offer a beacon of hope in uncertain times. Through her wisdom and extraordinary experience, let's discover together:

  • Indigenous prophecies and their relevance to our lives today
  • The profound philosophy shaping our world and its impact on our daily lives
  • Practical ways to reconnect with the Earth and foster positive change


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Join a free webinar with Marlise Wabun Wind !


Understanding the Earth Changes

Marlise brings over five decades of wisdom, gained through her extensive studies and teachings on Earth's changes. As the co-author of "Black Dawn, Bright Day: Indian Prophecies for the Millennium and Beyond" her insights offer a beacon of hope in uncertain times. Through her wisdom and extraordinary experience, let's discover together:

  • Indigenous prophecies and their relevance to our lives today
  • The profound philosophy shaping our world and its impact on our daily lives
  • Practical ways to reconnect with the Earth and foster positive change


Thursday, 23rd of May, 10AM PT -  7 PM CET



is the author with Sun Bear of the book Black Dawn, Bright Day: Indian Prophecies for the Millennium and Beyond that Reveal the Fate of the Earth. She is also the author of fourteen other books, a lecturer, ceremonialist, wisdom keeper, wife, and mother.

She has lived with the knowledge of the earth changes for more than 50 years. Her first awakening came from her own visions. Then she met Sun Bear, the Ojibwa teacher, who spent much of his life trying to prepare people of all races, religions, and nationalities for the times we are living in now.

She spent over 20 years as his medicine helper, co-author, and friend. With him she travelled to many of the reserves in this country listening to the stories and prophecies of other Native teachers. She helped him rebuild a community of people responsible for sharing with others the lessons they learned from living on and with the earth.

She helped him bring his messages to many people around the world both through direct teachings and through their writings. Black Dawn Bright Day is the last book they co-authored before Sun Bear’s death over three decades ago. It contains Sun Bear’s most passionate writing. In it he explains the reasons for the earth’s changes which go far beyond climate change. They write about all the prophecies they had gathered about these times. Sun Bear accurately predicted many of the changes which have already occurred.

Marlise has never taught in any detail about this book and its changes. She is willing to do so now to help us all face and go beyond the fears the earth changes engender. Ignoring these changes can cause apathy, depression, and a feeling of hopelessness.

In the lecture series to follow we will explore the time of earth changes in which we are now living. We will look at the deep, historical reasons for this time; the prophecies that were told about this time; how these affect both our daily lives and future. We will discuss what each of us can do to survive and thrive.

Marlise has lectured about her cross-cultural experiences, about women’s roles in various cultures, about comparative religions in their historical prospectives, and other topics related to the earth, alternative living, and spirituality. Since 2017 she has taught a wide variety of courses both in person and online to a growing group of younger people in Asia.