"When the wisdom of the grandmothers is heard, the world will heal.”
(Native American Prophecy)
From the 60’s, during the Native American Indian rebirth and the spreading of Eastern spiritualities in the West, some western women have taken a less travelled road and explored new, yet very old ways of understanding the world. Wise Women of the World is helping you meet some of those women who have dedicated their life to female’s spirituality and brought forward new ways of healing oneself and the world, and bringing more awareness to our modern society.

About Wise Women of the World
Wise Women of the World is an intergenerational project Claire Jozan-Meisel imagined a couple of years ago and birthed with the support of Vanina Grisoni. Its goal is to give a voice to some foremothers of feminine spirituality and spread their wisdom widely through online platforms, thus allowing the youngest to receive teachings from elders across the globe. Universal knowledge through the eyes of female's experience is what Wise Women of the World is gifting the world.
Blessed be!
About Vanina Grisoni, Founder of Yoga and the Moon
I am Vanina, and I want women to make their cyclical nature their greatest strength.
By dint of observing the moon, and celebrating it, it revealed to me the treasures that resided inside me.
Today, I want to pass on the teachings and practices that I have gathered in my personal journey so that they impact as many women as possible.
My intention is that none of us feel alone and isolated in what we have to go through in our lives and that we rediscover together what sisterhood is.
Learn more about Vanina and her current offerings here:
About Claire Jozan-Meisel
I am an author, a yoga teacher, a ceremony facilitator, an herbalist and a pipe carrier in the tradition of Evelyn Eaton and Sun Bear.
Living in a multicultural environment has allowed me to be interested in various spiritualities and religions. I discovered the Shakti energy in my 20th and it awakened in me the taste of the sacred through the body and mind. Then I came across the American Indian female spirituality and was the first one facilitating women’s circles in France in the late 90’s.
I have organized the venue of female elders in Europe to help them teach on a larger scale. Wise Women of the World is the continuity of this inner calling.
Learn more about Claire and her current offerings here:
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